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It’s very odd the gop keep on about Biden being so corrupt and everything they’re alleging as to what, it’s sounding almost exactly what trump did while he was in office since, according to what is known, earned $7,8 million from foreign countries and straight into trump’s pocket minus taxes obviously

And Biden, after he was a citizen I.e. and his son was working for a foreign company and Biden allegedly got how much…the gop are saying Biden is still getting money or whatever it is their saying

The point is, while the gop have apparently decided the impeachment process will begin some time after Easter or whatever

It’s a wild goose chase going forward with an impeachment without so much as “proof” but then, since when has the gop ever bothered with such things like proof?

Would almost say this impeachment should be interesting, but if anything, no idea what’s in store, but with the gop, it’s difficult at best to even guess but I’m sure Biden will remain office
