

To say that these so called “audits” that has taken place in Arizona and is due to repeat itself in other states, isn’t this kind of thing, to put it honestly, illegal?

Yet it seems as tho these unqualified people can ask and get all of those voting machines, machines that cannot be used again, they tamper with these machines, hence this can cost taxpayers how much???

These clowns….what is it they’re attempting to do….sow doubt in US elections

Question…have they succeeded….45 lost the 2020 election, and if this so called “audit” did anything, it showed President Biden got even more votes

Isn’t there a law or at the very least a few judges that can put a stop to all this nonsense?…nothing but NOTHING is being accomplished what so ever…and yet, the “searching for nonextent this/that or the other thing” nonsense is costing taxpayers a bundle and for what?
